Crack a laugh

Begging Cat & Traffic Questionnaire

Wednesdaykid 2011. 4. 4. 03:49


On a highway you see a slow vehicle in a fast lane

with a wide open space ahead and a long queue behind,

running parallel to another in a slow lane. You think...

  1. They must move out of the fast lane, and free it up for those slowed by them.
  2. They're inconveniencing others, so they're being selfish and unethical.
  3. They're lowering overall efficiency, doing a disservice to the society.
  4. They're wasting a valuable public resource, wasting tax-payers' money.
  5. Blocking & frustrating others w/o sensing it, they're insensible or shameless.
  6. All of the above...

At an intersection you're stopping for the red light.

The light turns green, but the lead vehicle takes

2 nights & 3 days to move, lost in their sensless chat.

You think...

  1. They're inconveniencing others, so they're being selfish and unethical.
  2. They're lowering overall efficiency, doing a disservice to the society.
  3. They're holding others' time hostage, so they're being rude beyond speech.
  4. Blocking & frustrating others w/o sensing it, they're insensible or shameless.
  5. All of the above...

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